Thursday, 14 June 2007


The phone rang hot from 9.30am this morning and we didn't rest until evening fell. There were friends to console, family to contact, social outings to confirm...and then it was off to the movies to see Shrek 3. Sienna cried as soon as the lights went out and the movie started. So she spent the whole time in my arms watching the start of the movie, sleeping through most of it and waking for the last 10 minutes. We saw the movie with Colleen and her baby Jared. Seated side by side Sienna was staring intently at Jared and reached out her hand to him. Jared responded and they held was gorgeous to see babies interacting like that.

After that it was home for a feed - I introduced Sienna to the joys of sweet potato. She didn't mind it, but found it a bit thick...which found it's way all over her and me after 2 sneezes in a row.

We cleaned up ourselves and then enjoyed a catch-up with Kellie and little Callum...a wine for the mums and a play on the floor for the bubs (more hand holding).

After a sleep late in the day Sienna was up when AJ got home (a rare occurance) so there was plenty of play time between the three of us until we wore Sienna out and put her to bed. A perfect way to end the day.

PS. Kellie's mum makes a yummy nut loaf...must get the recipe.

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