Saturday, 9 June 2007

New Experiences

Today we offered Sienna solid food for the first time. She was quite unimpressed to begin with...

but after a few spoonfuls she got the idea and began ingesting the bland rice cereal enthusiastically. She was very impressed when she discovered she could make a mess with this stuff in her mouth.
Later in the day she was grizzly for a feed but didn't want breast milk. She was sucking my cheeks madly and refusing the breast - so I figured she wanted more rice cereal. I made another batch up and she ate the lot. What a good start.


Anonymous said...

Well done Sienna!

I bet that is a relief that Sienna's first experience with solid food went well... just think of all the possibilities now.

Also, congratulations on your first post. I look forward to seeing many more.

Unknown said...

Hi Jules !
Yay to Sienna for her first taste of solid food.

Harper is not quite there yet but a tooth is emerging as we speak and he is making the funniest gummy chewing actions with his mouth...I think this weekend may be our milestone, Aaron wants to be home to witness the reaction : )

Love to all.