Thursday 3 January 2008

Happy 1st Birthday!

One year ago today I held a baby girl in my tired, shaking arms for the very first time…and fell in love.

Since then I have never been more exhausted, frustrated, emotional, elated, awestruck, playful or happy in my life. It’s been a real rollercoaster for me but the thing that stands out the most over the past year is all the smiles and laughter Sienna has shared with us and the pure joy we’ve felt watching our little girl experience lots of firsts and the joy she got from them.

Happy Birthday Sienna. You are a vibrant, cheeky, happy little girl with a great sense of humour and a deep love for your mum and dad. You are an observer, an explorer and if we can grab you for long enough…a good cuddler too. Continue to thrive. We are enjoying every minute with you and love you more than we ever knew we could.

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