Saturday, 15 December 2007

Season of change

I have a complicated past with Christmas and as a result have mixed feelings about it. I enjoy the idea of a holiday where families pause to spend time together and show each other how much they are loved and appreciated. I like that Jesus is celebrated for having been on this earth and sharing his example for us to follow. I like that kids get excited about this magical time. My secret is that I’m not keen on Santa and all the excessive gift giving.

Buying gifts gets my knickers in a knot at the best of times (secret number two shared today) so to do so for many family members is enough to make me want to hibernate until it all goes away.

AJ’s family is in Melbourne for Christmas this year and we plan to spend it with them. I am thinking a lot about what I want Christmas to mean to Sienna. I’m thinking more along the lines of the family time and celebrating a life worth knowing and less about a fat man in a red suit that I have to make up stories about to answer all of Sienna’s future questions such as “how does he get around the whole world in one night?”.

So wish me luck as I endeavor to enjoy and create some special traditions that will be unique to our little family at this time. A definite change to enduring “the season to be jolly” as I have in previous years.

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